What is SCRIP and how can it benefit Holy Cross Parish?
Scrip is a fundraiser for the parish. Gift cards are purchased at a discount and sold at face value. The difference between the face value and our cost is retained by Holy Cross Parish and used to offset our operating expenses.
The financial benefit from the use of scrip can be tremendous. (Example: If 200 parish families purchased $500 of scrip each month with a 4% average rebate, we could return $4,000 to the parish monthly). Multiply this amount times 12 months and Holy Cross Parish will bring in $48,000 to be applied toward our operating expenses.
How does SCRIP work?
Holy Cross Parish maintains an inventory of retailers gift cards and certificates. Please see a copy of the current Scrip Order Form below. Most of our gift cards are purchased from Raise Right Scrip who ships the cards to us as we purchase them. There are several retailers that are ordered locally because we can get a larger discount or they are not handled by Raise Right.
Discounts vary by retailers. Discounts will range from 1.5% to 20%. You can go to raiseright.com to view a list of the retailers that are available for purchase. Of course all retailers are not in the Green Bay area, but the selection is pretty extensive. Some retailers will offer incentives from time to time, especially around some of the holidays.
Most of our ordering is done on Monday morning which includes any special orders at that time.
How can I maximize SCRIP?
Card Consolidation
We can work with our supplier to purchase one large card rather than several small denomination cards for some of the retailers. (Example: one card purchased for $1000 rather than having to purchase 40 - $25 cards). Just ask us if this is available for your purchase. This needs a little planning as it can take up to 2 weeks to purchase and receive these special cards.
Think ahead for your vacations. Some hotels, motels, and car rentals offer discounts from 8% to 12%. Yes, even cruise lines and Disney!
If you have a business that uses a lot of fuel for your vehicles, you can purchase cards in $100, $250 and sometimes $500 denominations.
For families of Holy Cross School, Discipleship Formation, and Notre Dame Academy, the discounted amount is applied twice a year to tuition (59%) with the balance (41%) retained by Holy Cross Parish to cover shipping with the balance applied to operating expenses.
You might also consider joining together with your family and friends when you make your purchases. If you are doing this with a School Family, Discipleship Formation family, or a Notre Dame Academy family, the family that you support will receive the tuition credits.
When can I purchase SCRIP?
SCRIP is sold at the parish office on the following days/times:
Monday 9:00-11:00am
Wednesday 12:30-2:00pm
Friday 6:00-11:00am
After all weekend Masses
Thank you for considering SCRIP!
In all cases, Holy Cross Parish benefits from your purchase. We all have to purchase groceries, gas, clothing, and household goods etc.
We are always looking for individuals to help sell scrip at weekend Masses. If anyone is interested, please send a message to the email below.
Please feel free to contact our Scrip Coordinator— Steve McDonnell [email protected]